Breaking News: An early election was called. It is set to take place on April 14th, 2021

Suckoo re-affirms his independence and he seeks Cabinet position in next term

Jan 26, 2021

“I believe my record speaks for itself. I was elected for my compassion and strengths by the people of Newlands and I will continue to represent my constituents to the best of my abilities.”.

MP Alva Suckoo, Newlands

(CMR) MP for Newlands and Deputy Leader of the Opposition Alva Suckoo has issued a statement re-affirming his status as an independent candidate following allegations close to the opposition ranks that he was now realigning himself with the Progressives. He shared with CMR at the time that he remained independent and a general backlash has prompted a full statement from him.

He shares that he will be running for a third consecutive term as an independent and is looking forward to a role in Cabinet for his next term. He noted that his ability “to put aside political differences and work with others in the best interests of the country” has allowed him to be successful despite being in the opposition.

Speaking of his successes he quickly points to his participation in the 2019 constitutional negotiations in London as part of the government’s negotiating team. He also noted that he was instrumental in the passage of the Defense Bill 2020 and made “several infrastructure and other achievements in his constituency” including preventing seawater flooding in low-lying areas.

He said:

“I think I have grown tremendously over the past four years, the experiences I have gained have been immensely helpful in making me a better representative. I do not believe all politics has to be confrontational and much can be achieved through negotiation and compromise. I have stood firm where I felt it was necessary and at other times, I have committed to working with colleagues to achieve the best possible outcome during times of controversy.”

Suckoo believes that the next four years will present the greatest challenges these islands have faced since Hurricane Ivan, but knows he is ready to make an even greater contribution to resolving these challenges.

Facing a growing slate of opponents in his constituency, Suckoo plans to focus on his achievements and his plans and is ready to commit to getting to work on the challenges the country now faces.