Breaking News: An early election was called. It is set to take place on April 14th, 2021

Craft market vendors plead with tourism minister to reopen

Feb 18, 2021

“Though we are aware, the future is uncertain in this time of the Covid Pandemic, we must all presently play our part and we are prepared to do ours by daily and consistently frequenting the Cayman Craft Market and displaying our wares to sell as many of us have done for the past two decades.”

Cayman Craft Market vendors

(CMR) 19 vendors at the Cayman Craft Market (CCM) have written to the Minister of Tourism asking him to reconsider re-opening the market after a decision was made to close it at the end of January 2021. Last week the Tourism Attraction Board (TAB) confirmed that the market will remain close until the country reopens its borders to tourists.

TAB encouraged vendors to utilized other locations such as the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park and Pedro St. James. However, they have since written to the minister sharing that they had “a wonderful sense of unity and normality … at the recent reopening of the CCM” in January. The bi-weekly meeting they argue gave them an opportunity to earn some money and interact as artisans.”

They plead that depriving them of the use of the venue is a “personal attack” and they wish to preserve and highlight Caymanian culture. They have requested the minister to intervene on their behalf.

Whilst they no longer have a tourism industry they still believe the is needed and enjoy serving the local community.