Breaking News: An early election was called. It is set to take place on April 14th, 2021

Justin Ebanks: “The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people” as he challenges Miller in North Side

Feb 16, 2021

“Candidates who not only have integrity, but the vision, energy, and skills to work together for the people. On today’s global stage, what is leadership without cooperation? We need to build a better future for our communities. The time to plan this is now or never.”

Justin Ebanks

(CMR) Independent candidate Justin Ebanks has declared his candidacy for the district of North Side with his platform Cayman’s Future Matters. He shares that he hopes to be a champion for the people to address urgent district and national issues.

The 37-year old North Side resident has focused his campaign on several key issues which he will be discussing ahead of the April 14 general election, notably:

  • Sustainable development and housing
  • Inequality of incomes and education

Ebanks shares that the most important focal point of his campaign is to address the growing income disparity and failings of the current education system. Sharing that government has created a class system that prevents poorer people from investing in their education and provides opportunities to the rich he hopes to address these concerns.

He also notes that during critical times like the pandemic it has become obvious that many Caymanians do not have the necessary skillset to quickly transition into other areas of employment. He supports diversification in training opportunities.

He links school segregation as one of the primary causes of issues related to education disparity. Committed to being held accountable to the people he notes:

“I will promote policies to provide opportunities for all social/income levels; and will ensure that our Caymanian children receive the best possible education to compete on a global platform.”

In terms of sustainable development and housing Ebanks believes that Cayman should provide better oversight, protect our environment, and not allow a short-term financial gain at the expense of future generations.

Citing the island’s lower-income communities experience more devastation due to improper planning and/or lack of financial resources to mitigate flooding risks and damage to homes and businesses but large developers are allowed to violate environmental regulations with little to no enforcement.

He asks “Who are we developing for?” and what real benefits does the average persona realize with the development boom. Ebanks hopes to address the housing crisis and what has lead to a lack of affordable homeownership options for the average Caymanian.

Ebanks will be going door to door meeting constituents to hear their views on how Cayman’s Future Matters to them. He believes he is the better choice for the people stating:

“I believe that the people of North Side will be better served with a candidate that is willing to work alongside all Members of Parliament for our country. I believe that the district of North Side has been neglected due to a lack of cooperation. I pledge to represent you with honesty, integrity, and if elected, I will act in the best interest of the people.”

He can be contacted via phone 916-4836 or send him an email

Ebanks ran unsuccessfully in the 2017 election.